
Tuesday 26 February 2013

Everything Everything - Arc (James Rutledge Album Remix)

Having done my own remixes for University projects in the past I have experienced first hand the amount of effort that goes in to a track in order to give it a new dynamical edge. Given that, I cannot begin to imagine the amount of work that went in to James Rutledge's album remix of Arc. Reworking the entire album, yes the entire album in to one flowing perspicuous track was always going to be quite some feat as James outlined from the start "You quickly realise that no two parts from separate songs fit together - they're all in different tempos/ keys and it's just discordant chaos if you try and play one over the other".

After going through all the stems and project files he began to formulate the remix around a simple piano loop, crafting his ideas through the conception of the environments we all experience when travelling on a train; percussion that has a feeling of momentum and a glitchy chopped up rhythm that echoes throughout.
"I realised that I wanted the remix to sound like a serene and abstracted train journey where you glimpse bits of the album through the window and fragments of the tracks blow around in the dust."
And that is exactly what has been achieved here. Beautifully uplifting and a perfect testament to the album itself.

Don't forget you can hear Everything Everything's new single Duet here. Released March 24th via RCA Victor.


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