
Thursday 1 February 2018

Sam Johnson - Perfect Circle

Many try, but few artists convey the same emotion and heart-string tugging warmth that's nestled deep within Sam Johnson's music. His latest effort explores a simplistic guitar strummed melody, added piano key strikes make their presence, centred before a resounding percussive ensemble. Yet it's Johnson unique soulful delivery that truly makes it stand apart - A talent that can paint a thousand words, and here's proven example. "This song is all about my childhood and youth growing up as an only child in the countryside." explains Sam, a subject matter I can deeply relate to. He continues "I was always desperate to have brothers or would quite frequently take my self off on solo adventures around the fields and woods to keep myself occupied. During these outings I would often imagine someone else there to keep me company, and I suppose this is where I drew most inspiration for the song. The lyrics 'You're just like me' aren't really referring to someone else in a tangible sense at all, but more a figment of my imagination dreamt up to up to combat the usual restlessness and boredom I'd experience away from my friends in school." Take a listen for yourselves below.

Live dates
Fri 26th January – Newcastle, Think Tank Underground
Tues 6th Feb – London, The Islington supporting Nick J. D. Hodgson
Tues 27th February – Hull, The Polar Bear
Sat 5th May – Leeds, Live at Leeds


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