
Monday 26 April 2021

Natalie McCool - Heaven

Taken from her forthcoming new album 'Memory Girl' due out July 30th, last week saw Natalie McCool unveil her stunning new single Heaven. Built around an effervescent melody line, the track delivers a wholesome sound that's primed in pop perfected energy. Having first discovered her sound in 2014 through her single Dig It Out, it's been a pleasure to watch the unravelling developments and this latest effort adds another glowing mighty fine string to her bow. Speaking about the new album, she said, "Memory Girl is about childhood and adulthood. Songs that feel introspective. Songs about not having a voice, finding a voice, jealousy, love, loss and peace. It's about things that have left a deep mark on you one way or another, those moments from the past that hit you and knock you sideways, either making you laugh out loud or nearly die of embarrassment. It has a strong focus on the habits and mental state of myself and those very close to me. It's really close and introspective. It’s about discovering yourself, recognising what's good for you and what's not - it's about learning curves." Take a listen for yourselves below.


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