
Tuesday 12 November 2019

The Districts - Hey Jo

The Districts - Hey Jo 

Through their ever changing, dynamic sound, The Districts recently shared their brand new single Hey Jo. Taken from the band's fourth studio album, 'You Know I'm Not Going Anywhere', the single comes at a deeply personal time for the Philadelphia-based outfit as it resonates with emotion and passion, a perfect indication for what lays ahead. "This album was written as an escape and as reassurance. I was falling in love with someone new and trying to juggle this desperate desire to escape with the need to show up in my life. It’s pretty damn hard to be present and completely checked out all at once," Grote explains. "It felt like much of my world had reached such a pitch that all I could do was try to tune it out. I felt really uncertain about the future of the band and super detached from much of what I used to identify with, on a personal level and with our music. I was thinking, ‘Do I want to keep doing music?’ ‘Do I want to keep doing it in this context?’. Retreating to his bedroom, he wrote with no end goal in mind, purely from a creative perspective and slowly but surely the pieces began to slot together. 'You Know I'm Not Going Anywhere' was born. Take a listen to its first single Hey Jo below. You can Pre-Order the album here, due for release March 13, 2020 through Fat Possum.


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